…what is discipline…?
…So what does discipline truly mean to you? No days off? Complete restriction?
It does mean doing the hard things when you don’t feel like it, it means consistency. But it doesn’t mean ignoring your body, your wellness, nor does it mean perfection.
In most cases when we want do something, a resolution, changing habits or creating new habits. Often these things are things that are going to improve our lives in some capacity.
The easiest thinbgs to do in the short term - instant gratification - rarely benefit us in the long term. And most people want to ‘feel good’, ‘feel happy’, ‘escape’, ‘get relief’ asap.
This is where discipline comes in to play. Because it’s hard work and effort to do the things that help us long term, that improve our lives. Creating a new habit, cutting out something that isn’t ‘good for us’, doing the rehab.
Discipline doesn’t have to be perfection every day but it requires us to do the thing when sometimes it’s the last thing that we want to do.
Discipline is only hard until it is part of your routine, your life, an established habit.
The good part - whilst it’s hard, you get to feel real accomplishment and achievement for doing it. That’s a reward in the short term, the next reward is that it becomes easier and the following reward is being thankful in the long term that you had the discipline to do it in the first place. There is nothing to be lost by doing the hard thing and having discipline.
Discipline sits perfectly next to accountability - having a person keep you accountable to the things you want and support you whilst you battle with the discipline, and encourage you when you don’t feel like it.
It is HAVING the support person to help make it a little easier. You’re still doing the work, but it’s having that angel on your shoulder whilst on the other shoulder the devil telling you it’s easier not to bother.
What’s been the hardest thing you’ve had to be disciplined with? Tell me about it by emailing emma@thepillarsap.com or on IG @thepillarsap