Health & Wellbeing in a Recession.

So, no lies - I think we can mostly all admit right now things are pretty challenging wherever you live. Personally speaking some sacrifices have had to be made financially, making some cut backs here and there and looking where we can save money.

When I work with clients, most usually are pretty good at starting out on making some positive changes, things can start to improve and you feel good and those habits can be dropped and forgotten about. Often times because they take a little bit of effort and you’re feeling pretty good so there doesn’t feel this need to keep making those commitments. The important keys here are - it’s a commitment and it’s being done for a reason. Only doing the things that require an effort when things are hard is like an ambulance waiting at the bottom of the cliff. It’s waiting for a problem to happen instead of doing the things to prevent there even being a problem. Of course it isn’t fool proof but waiting for a problem to happen when we could just as easily do the small things required for hopefully prevention or at worst it’s a much smaller problem to deal with is always going to be better than having to deal with something much more challenging to work through as a result of dropping the positive actions.

Whilst I reference that currently things are financially challenging for many of us, I am already in the habit of budgeting, which has meant a small adjustment to that budget. The habit has meant the transition hasn’t been quite as tough if it wasn’t a part of my lifestyle. But also maintaining the Pillars I work on day in and day out to work to help me manage the challenging times our life will inevitably throw at us.

Moral of the story - when we implement positive commitments, and start to feel good. The reason you feel good is because of the positive commitments. They’re lifestyle changes. Positive habits. Going back to how things were will take you back to how you felt before. The little extra effort will always be worth it.


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