UnFvckMyLife - The Rebrand
Towards the end of last year I was thinking about this coaching business. I felt something needed to change. I’m unsure why but at some point when I started what was ‘The Pillars’, when I started posting content - it became a little more instagram soft/inspirational content vibes (is that even a description that makes sense??) - now I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that if that’s where your personality sits as it would absolutely be authentic and aligned with yourself. But that really isn’t very me - I think I’ve found it challenging creating posts and videos because of that. It has felt harder than it should, in my opinion.
I think the content of what I have posted is still super relevant but, it’s in the delivery right? What I want is for my clients and anyone that follows me to connect with me as that’s who they’ll be working with.
Most of my clients have actually come from already knowing me in one capacity or other.
The other thing that was a catalyst for this change is conversations like this….
Them: So, what’s your other business?
Me: It’s called ‘The Pillars Accountability Program’
Them: What does that involve? What’s an accountability program?
Cue me explaining for 5 plus minutes about how it works, what the actual pillars are and how it works and about and my role in it.
Where as now a conversation goes like this…..
Them: So, what’s your other business?
Me: It’s called UnFvckMyLife and it’s personal development coaching.
Them: (Understood)
These are generalised versions of conversations I’ve had. But the over-explaining of what it is I do was kinda draining and honestly at some points embarassing, I’d find myself getting a little flustered.
So I feel pretty stoked with this change, and it’s quite exciting. Kinda like that feeling of getting your house in order or cleaning your bedroom as a kid. Like you’ve got your shit sorted and feel like an absolute boss.
It took some self reflection and some checking of the ego about what I’ve been doing the last 3yrs with The Pillars and look, we know change can be one of the best things you do. This change can be the thing created much bigger success with the coaching. It isn’t that what I offer now is different - it was always personal development coaching.
What I do know is that when I started this coaching business out, I didn’t want to do what ‘everyone else’ was doing, maybe even part of me felt if I was doing something others were doing and I wasn’t very good it would be a bit ‘shame’ and also…maaaaaaybe deep down I thought if it wasn’t a success that it was because what I was doing was different and that would be why. But come one, fuck that - that’s all ego. Ha!
I actually love UnFvckMyLife - I love the sentiment, it’s to the point, and it IS how I coach.
It’s exciting, it’s a new haircut/hair colour, it’s a new pair of shoes, it’s a deep clean of the kitchen, a new pencil case at the start of term, or a new journal at the start of the year! A bit of change and I fucking love it!! Whoop! Let’s gooooooo!!!